ENJO VIP Membership Launch

New: The Top 3 Reasons To Become an ENJO VIP Member…

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”23″ font_color=”%23F7F0DE” width=”620″ line_height=”31″]An ENJO VIP Member is part of a community who not only cares for the health and wellbeing of nature, but also cares for the health and well being of those closer to them… Their family.[/text_block]
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Signup Bonus will reduce to 15 points in…


An ENJO VIP Member Benefits in the following ways…

  • Save up to 21% on ENJO products

    Based on what you pay for your monthly ENJO VIP membership, you can save money from day one! See our terms for more details.

  • Extended Guarantee

    Our extended guarantee (only part of ENJO VIP membership) entitles you to replace your damaged ENJO products at 50% of the value. See our terms for more details.

  • You Recycle, we Buy Back

    Send your used ENJO products to us, and we buy it from you. See our terms for more details.

VIP Green

Receive 1 point pm Free (upto 12 months)

Signup Bonus 20 Points (R36)

  • *5% VIP Rewards
  • Monthly Newsletter
VIP Bronze
plus R5.00 admin fee
R150 monthly

Receive 89 points pm @R1.70 per point

Signup Bonus 20 Points (R36)

  • Recycle Buy Back 7%
  • Extended Guarantee
  • *7% VIP Rewards
  • **Bonus Y1 36 points
  • **Bonus Y2 54 points
  • **Bonus Y3+ 81 points
  • ^Save R800+ over 3 Yrs
  • Monthly Newsletter
VIP Gold
plus R5.00 admin fee
R350 monthly

Receive 205 points pm @R1.69 per point

Signup Bonus 20 Points (R36)

  • Recycle Buy Back 9%
  • Extended Guarantee
  • *9% VIP Rewards
  • **Bonus Year 1 62 points
  • **Bonus Year 2 123 points
  • **Bonus Year 3+ 185 points
  • ^Save R2300+ over 3 Yrs
  • Monthly Newsletter
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”12″]The value of one VIP Point is R1.80.

* The VIP Rewards percentage is the percentage in value of your purchases that you receive back when you purchase ENJO products using cash. Example (if you are a FREE MEMBER): You purchase product A for R180 in cash, then you get 5 VIP Points (R180*5%/R1.80).

** Annual bonus points are calculated based on 2.5% of your total points purchased over 12, 24 or 36 months of uninterrupted membership.

^Saving is an approximate figure and only includes the Recycle Buy Back level, bonus points and the discounted rate per point. It excludes other benefits and EXCLUDES other VIP Rewards, so you can save even more.

Take note, if you have insufficient VIP Points to purchase a particular ENJO product, you won’t be able to substitute the difference in cash.[/text_block]

Be Part of a Growing Community in South Africa that cares for the Environment…

Worried about the cost of replacing used ENJO fibers?

Even though ENJO saves you money in the long term, you still have the expense of replacing used fibers in about three years time. One of the biggest benefits of ENJO VIP Membership is that you can accumulate points over time at a discount and use your points to replace your fibers. PLUS, we give you points for recycling your old fibers. Earth Win, and You Win!

Don’t want to make debt, but want ENJO?

ENJO VIP Membership might be the right fit for you. Yes we know debt may help you to replace an indefinite monthly chemical cost with a similar monthly payment that will stop over two or three years. But we understand, you do not want to owe anyone anything. ENJO VIP Membership can be cancelled at any time, upgraded and downgraded at any time, with about 20 days notice.

I don’t want to get ENJO because my Domestic Worker might damage it?

Your ENJO VIP Membership comes with a specially designed Extended Guarantee for such damages. Even if you damage a product yourself. You will be able to replace the product at half price. Like many other guarantees there are legal terms and conditions. But we kept it simple and easy to understand.

How will you collect my monthly contributions?

To keep administrative costs as low as possible (for your benefit), we will collect only via Debit Order. Cancelling your debit order are also very simple, easy and quick, and you can give us notice of cancellation by sending an email before the 20th of the month and we will cancel your debit order for your next payment. It is as easy and simple as that.

Is it easy to change my membership level?

Yes, it is very simple. When you wish to change your membership level, you can just send us an email before the 20th of the month and we will change your debit order for your next payment. It is as easy and simple as that.

How can I use my VIP Membership points?

All ENJO products will have a points allocation, currently valued at R1.80 per point of its retail value. When you start out as a VIP Member you will be able to get each point between R1.68 and R1.70, PLUS to make it fun, we will give you bonuses and points for other activities such as recycling. You can for example get upto 10% of the retail value of your fibers when you recycle them. Considering all the annual bonuses and recycle points, a point might cost you as low as R1.42. That adds up to a 21% saving over time and it is without other bonuses.

What are the different ways I can earn points?

  • You will earn monthly by being an active member, based on your membership level.
  • To make it fun, you will earn by recycling
  • You will earn annual bonus points
  • You can also earn by helping to introduce people to the ENJO Lifestyle
  • You can also earn by referring people, and if they buy ENJO or if they become an ENJO VIP Member
  • Other fun activities, that we will have from time to time will also make you eligible for earning points…

Can I still purchase other ENJO Specials with my points?

Yes, only if the points required to purchase the special are explicitly indicated next to the item or offer. However as a VIP Member you may benefit from exclusive special offers from time to time that non-members won’t benefit from.

What if I want to purchase some products cash?

You can still purchase some products cash, and if you do, you can qualify for special VIP pricing based on your level. Remember you cannot receive a discount on a discount.

Can I apply my VIP Membership Discount Level to other specials?

No, you can not get a discount on a discount. However, if the special offer explicitly indicates the amount of points to purchase it, then you can use your points to purchase the special offer.

Will I earn points or rewards for referring other people to ENJO?

In the near future this will be possible. We are planning a referral programme that will be linked to your VIP Membership Programme.

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Your Membership will be Active from the 1st of next Month…
