Fresh from the Press


#1 Reason ENJO Distributors Fail Miserably!

Our unique word for ENJO Distributor, or ENJO Consultant is ENJOpreneur. Starting an ENJO business as an ENJOpreneur is like any other business! There is no magic bullet! Aspiring ENJOpreneurs may make the mistake that the product will sell itself, and that is the number one reason ENJOpreneurs fail miserably!

Well if that was the case, then ENJOpreneurs and Consultants won’t be necessary at all. Granted, ENJO has a great product, and has a great company behind it. But the secret to success are our ENJOpreneurs.

You are reading this, because you want to become an ENJOpreneur, or you are an ENJOpreneur who wish to improve your results. It is always good to know what not to do. So here is what you should do to be successful:

Show passion and product knowledge

Knowing exactly what each product is for, how it is used and how it should be cared for in order for your customer to get the most out of it will build trust. You are each one of your customer’s expert when it comes to ENJO. Training their domestic worker and your customer is one of the many ways you keep your customer happy and loyal customers.

Do the basics every day

The basics are trained to you by your Mentor or Team Leader. This simply means that you should do what you do in any business. So what do you do in any business? Any business requires you to find new customers to be successful. Every day! This process is called prospecting.

With ENJO we are lucky that we never have to cold call! We have an exciting product, and passionate ENJOpreneurs. We have an innovative process that is fun to create new leads for your business that you can convert to customers. Follow the advice of your Team Leader and the process that is found in your training manuals! Doing that on a consistent basis, will guarantee you to be successful!

Be active – ask questions where necessary

Listen to your Mentor or Team Leader. Do as they teach you. Call your Team Leader when you do not know what to do next! They are available to help you to make a success of your business.

Often entrepreneurs find themselves alone, but ENJO South Africa have a great training and support system that will help you to be successful. But remember your ENJO Team Leader will not know if you are stuck, so without wasting time, be in contact, he/she has all the experience to provide you with the best support!

Make mistakes and learn from it

We are often scared to make mistakes. The reason is because we are afraid to be judged. Some people are afraid to be successful. Believe it or not! But we allow our ENJOpreneurs to make mistakes and learn from it. Action is better than no-action. However, we would like ENJOpreneurs to make new mistakes and create new learning experiences.

So therefore your Team Leader is a great source of information on what will work and what will not work. After all they have experience, and that will help you to become successful sooner, rather than later!


Often entrepreneurs (in any business, not only ENJO), quit before they achieve success. It is important to understand that it can take three to six months to become productive and taste the first successes. So patience is important. The reason for this is that you need to setup your sales funnel and create a rhythm of success that you choose. Your Team Leader will help you through our Road to Success training and coaching programme, which are based on a step-by-step approach. This will take you to your desired level of performance in the shortest possible time.


ENJO as a business can be very rewarding and fun. The ENJO road to success training programme was designed with the aim to help ENJOpreneurs to achieve above average results and build a long term solid business. Your success is totally dependant on you following the guidelines within the training as provided by your Team Leader, as well as your perseverance to learn from failure and applying the basic principles on a consistent and regular basis.

Your success is in your hands!

Around the world our ENJO Consultants, dubbed ENJOpreneurs are organising their time around their family, creating a healthy family environment!

They do this not only by removing chemicals from their own homes, but also create a career and a business helping others to remove the harmful chemicals and soaps used for cleaning from their homes.

The story of Fiona Edwards, ENJOpreneur