If you currently spend between R450 to R850 per month on cleaning chemicals, materials, cloths and tools to clean your home, then the ENJO Full Make0over will last you at least 3 years.
The ENJO Full Make0ver will save you:
- Health – Fewer doctor’s visits, lower risk for cancer, less hay fever and asthma
- Time – Save 50% of your time cleaning – because ENJO cleans 6x better than anything else
- Money – Save in the long run, and skip the chemicals isle when grocery shopping
So let’s do a quick calculation:
If you spend on average R450 per month on chemicals and cleaning materials, then
- that is R5’400 per year, or
- R16’200 over three years!
If you spend on average R850 per month on chemicals and cleaning materials, then
- that is R10’200 per year, or
- R30’600 over three years!
Our ENJO Full Makeover is suitable even if you spend more than R850 per month. We have ENJO users who had spent R2000 or more per month before converting to ENJO. So their saving over three years were R72’000, minus the cost of ENJO.
Together with the ENJO Full Make0ver you will get tools and certain fibres that will last you more than three years. In fact if you apply the proper care and use then it may last you longer than three years.
So what does ENJO cost you?
The ENJO Full Makeover is priced at R16’897, and will last you for more than three years in a normal household. This includes all the tools and fibers to fully convert your home to ENJO, and never purchase any chemicals.
BUT, today we have a special:
Instead of paying R16’897, you get your entire ENJO Full Makeover plus free delivery anywhere in South Africa for only:
R12’995! That is a saving of R3’902.
In fact your saving is a lot more than that, because over three years your chemical regime will cost you anywhere from R16’200 to R30’600, whereas ENJO will cost you only R12’995!
If you purchase your ENJO Full Makeover at R12’995 today, we will add the following BONUSES!
BONUS 1 (ZERO LANDFILL) – We will add a buy back guarantee that in month 34 to 36 from your date of purchase, we will buy back any used fibre, irrespective of its condition for 10% of the value of a new fibre, on condition you replace it with a similar fibre. Do not throw it away!
BONUS 2 (GUARANTEE) – If you experience any manufacturing defect within two years of today, then we will replace the respective ENJO product with a new product free of charge.
BONUS 3 (WEAR AND TEAR GUARANTEE) – If any of your fibres becomes ineffective, due to excessive wear and tear within the next two years, then ENJO will replace the respective fibre with a brand new fibre at 1/2 the price.
Note: Above BONUSES only apply to domestic use.
Different means of payment:
- Debit Card
- Bitcoin
- Mobicred (12 month payment plan)
If you wish to pay by credit card, please contact us directly at 086 001 7401
If you wish to pay your ENJO Make-over off over 12 months, first create an account with Mobicred, and return to this page to make your payment using Mobicred: www.mobicred.co.za